Sunday, June 14, 2009

God's Story

A Little PerspectiveImage by loswl via Flickr

This is a video about why we are where we are today as well as where we are headed. This was our bible lesson today.
Great for all ages!
Click here to watch God's Story

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Busy? Who, Me?

I have tons of things to get done. Tons. And no time to waste.
So my computer has been having fun with me. Pretending to die....Did die.....Did a whole fresh install.... Fresh install seems to be working....
And in the middle of this, David says to get faster internet. Wow. I didn't realize how much faster things would go. The things I have gotten done since last Tues is amazing. Mind boggling.
Got a lot left on my to do list, but I am closer to the end. Amazing how little things can make a big difference....

Friday, June 05, 2009

Texas Call Needed!

There is a bill on Gov. Rick Perry's desk that Texans need
to be aware of and concerned about. Senate Bill 1440 is
dangerous and violates our constitutional rights.
Click here to read more and contact info for the Governor's

This message was provided by TXOL Internet.