Sunday, August 08, 2010

What Kind Of Fruit?

"Honey, wake up. Can you help me pick peaches this morning while it is cool?"

A short time later I was in the orchard, enjoying the peaceful surroundings. As I picked, I had a few thoughts that I decided to share here.

I kept thinking as I was picking, what kind of fruit do people find hanging on me when they get close? Does it look good on one side but  has a rotten spot starting on the other? Is is old and swiveled up from hanging too long? Are there scars and bug-bites? Is it holding firm, or about to drop off and fall to the ground? Is it too small?

People come to my tree all day long. Hungry people, tired people, fussy people. People who need something from me. As I was picking, I pondered, what kind of fruit do I hand out? If they catch me at a busy moment, do I hand them something that they have to pick out the good and leave the bad? Or do they consistently find good fruit, just right to meet their needs. Do I bear fruit that they delight to partake of or fruit that leaves much to be desired?

Of course, the only way to bear good fruit is to stay attached to the Vine, the only One who can produce anything good in me.

John 15:4-5  Abide zin me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.  5 I am the vine; ayou are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bbears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.

As you read the rest of this passage, it is made clear how we can do nothing apart from the Vine.

I have another busy day ahead, and feel inadequate to meet all the needs. My tree feels a little bare right now. =) But thankfully, as I am faithful to abide in Him, He will be faithful to supply all I need to bear much fruit.


Unknown said...

Aunt Joyce says, "You are a sweet smelling, good tasting, beautiful fruit smoothie."

Erin said...

I really appreciated this post! It helped me remember to keep in mind what's important. Thank you for sharing!!

Unknown said...

Thanks for reading!

Andrea said...

Hi Nichola,
I stumbled across your blog through a random google search one day (homeschool blog abilene) and am so glad I did. Your blog has been such an encouragement. It's nice to know that there are some like-minded ladies in the area. Would love to chat with you sometime!

You had mentioned in your blog that you come to Abilene on occasion. Do you happen to know any FIC families around here? We'd love to get connected with some, but haven't a clue how to get started. Any input would be greatly appreciated!

Many Blessings,
Andrea C.

Unknown said...

Hi, Andrea! Thanks for reading!

I don't know any FIC families in Abilene, however I know of a church in San Angelo. You can send me an email at peachfarmerswife (at) gmail (dot) com. I would love to get to meet you as well! I do come to Abilene once a month for my prenatal appointments. Maybe we could meet up sometime!

Jennifer said...

Wow! Very thought provoking! I try to smile when they approach me, instead of looking bothered. Thanks for this reminder.